
Kamis, 19 September 2013

About University of Muhammadiyah Malang

University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was built 1964.It was a branch of  University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta.In UMM,there were many department.UMM was called Kampus Putih. At the time it opened 3 new UMM faculty , namely : Law , Economics and Guidance and Counseling ( Islamic Education Department umm-300x229) . Furthermore , in the period 1968-1975 , UMM opened again two faculties , namely : Faculty of Social and Fak . Islam. In 1975-1977 , UMM opened two new faculties , namely : Agriculture and Engineering . The number of faculty has remained the same until 1983 . New in the period 1983-2000 , several new faculty dikbuka , namely : Psychology , Animal Husbandry, D3 Nursing and Medicine . This 2007 , UMM opened new faculties , namely : PS Pharmaceuticals , which is part of the faculty of health sciences . In 2009 , the leadership of the Faculty of Agriculture UMM merge and become the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry to fit the consortium Agricultural Sciences .As one of the leading universities in East Java , UMM now manage more than 18,000 active students who come from all over Indonesia and even from abroad , such as : Australia , Singapore , Malaysia , and Timor Leste . Although UMM is an Islamic college , student religious background is not a constraint . Therefore , UMM mahaiswa not only Muslims , but there are Hindu , Buddhist , Christian , and Catholic .To support the lecture , UMM always improve facilities , building development lectures , laboratories , computer facilities and access to intranet and internet facilities using fiber optic and a hotspot. It also developed a digital library that comes with online journals , audio - visual materials , and other sources of scientific information is incorporated role in Indonesian Digital Library Network ( IDLN ) .To support financially , UMM develop beberaopa business unit as a profit center that is expected to UMM financial support without burdening students with high tuition fees . Some existing business units include: UMM Press , Book Store , UMM Dome , Hotel University Inn , and motorcycle workshop . In the near term will be built Teaching Hospital ( Teaching Hospital ) , Petrol Station , Simple Rent Student Flats , Mall , and others.I like UMM very much.So, I chose to become a student in UMM.And then, I chose English Department.Because,I think English Department in UMM had a good grade more than other private university all over in Indonesia.English Department was make me enjoyed to join.In English Department , I can got many interest experience and many new knowledge about English Language.Then, I got a lot of friend which they were kind,care,patient,funny,and good speaker.

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